Saturday, December 31, 2005

Shanti Mantra

(Prayer for Peace)

Aum Dyauh Saantir Antareeksham Saantih
Prithvi Saantir Aapah Saantihr Osadhayah Saantih
Vanaspatayah Saantir Visvedevaah Saantih Brahma Saantih
Sarvam Saantih Saantih Reva Saantihi.

Meaning: May there be peace in heaven. May there be peace in the sky. May there be peace on earth. May there be peace in the water. May there be peace in the plants. May there be peace in the trees. May there be peace in the Gods. May there be peace in Brahman. May there be peace in all. May that peace, real peace, be mine.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

The Holistic Living Prayer

sarve bhavantu sukhinah
sarve santu niraamayah
sarve bhadraani pashyantu
maa kaschit du:kha bhaag bhaveth

may all be happy.
may all be healthy.
may all realize that which is the ultimate truth.
may no one ever be unhappy

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Beyond Darkness

(from Purusha Sooktham)

vedaahamaetam purusham mahaantam
AdityavarNam tamasah parastaat
tamaevam vidvaan amrita iha bhavati
naanyah panthaa vidyatae yanaaya

I have realized the supreme pu-ru-SHa, brilliant as the Solar hue and beyond the veil of darkness (mA-ya). Knowing him thus, one will be liberated in this very life. There is no other way (for liberation) indeed.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Vishvashanti Praarthana

(Prayer for Universal Peace)

Aum Shamno Mitra Sham Varunaha
Shamno Bhavatvaryama
Shamna Indro Bruhaspatih
Shamno Vishnu Rurukramaha
Namo Brahmane
Namaste Vaayo
Tvameva Pratyaksham Brahmaasi
Tvaameva Pratyaksham Brahma Vadisyaami
Rutam Vadisyaami
Tad Vaktaaramavatu
Avatu Maam
Aum Shanti Shanti Shantihi

Meaning: May the sun God Mitra and other Vedic Gods - Varuna, Aryamaa, Indra, Brihaspati and the all pervading Maha Vishnu and all the Devatas shower their Blessings upon us. Salutations to Brahma. Salutations to Vaayu. You are the personfication of Brahma. I shall proclaim thee as Brahma. I shall always abide by Dharma (righteousness). I shall always speak the truth. May that protect us all. Aum Peace, peace, peace.