Sunday, April 09, 2006

Shanti Mantra

(for Upanishads of Rig Veda)

vAngme manasi pratishThita manOme vAci pratishThita mAvirAvIrma yEdhi

vEdasya ma ANIstha srutam mE mA prahAsIraNenAdheetE nAhOrAtrAn
sandadhAmryutam vadiSyAmi satyam vadiSyAmi tanmAmavatu tadvaktAramavatu mAmavtu vaktAram
aum SAnti SAnti SAnti:

Meaning: Aum, speech is based on the mind; the mind is based on speech. O Self-effulgent One, reveal Thyself to me. May you both be carriers of the Veda to me. May not all that I
have heard depart from me. I shall join together day and night through this study. I shall utter what is verbally true; I shall utter what is mentally true. May That protect me; may That protect the speaker. May That protect me; may That protect the speaker.
Aum Peace! Peace! Peace!
